"Love Complexities" is a combination of two separate performance pieces. Check out my review. Check out the Facebook page (at the end of blog) and keep an eye out for these amazing writers, producers and actors.......
On Saturday, April 2, 2016 I had
the wonderful opportunity to see two stage plays, “Jackie & Clarisse” and
“Marvin’s Fetish”. The theme “Love Complexities” perfectly describes everything
about these two separate plays.
I sat down, I must admit that even with my notebook and pencil handy, I was NOT
ready for the emotional rollercoaster that I was on. From the moment the lights
lowered I was entrapped into a ride that I have never experienced before and
never forget
was “Marvin’s Fetish”, written by S.R. Anzalone and directed by Alan Baxter,
which led me on a journey of sorrow, anger and sympathy. Marvin, a terminally
ill gay man with a fetish for married men with TWO young male children, is an
aspiring screen writer that offers money for sex. Marvin is estranged from his
brother that suspects him of killing their father for inheritance money. He
encounters an old high school classmate, John, at a restaurant and makes him an
offer. Marvin reveals his great success
of his script and the contact information of Glen Close. Little does Marvin
know John a 30+ year old waiter that suffers from a heart condition was
disguising himself as a straight, married man with two children. After much
discussion and therapy like analyzation (John expressed his “relationship”
issues) Marvin excuses himself to take a phone call. John ends up taking a call
and revealing his plan. Unbeknownst to John, Marvin heard everything and an argument
ensued. Marvin was upset that he lost the contract and discovered that John
crossed him and submitted his own play that was chosen instead. The combination
of alcohol and drugs consumed at Marvin’s home causes John to have a heart
attack, Marvin leaves him to die on the floor. Did he let his father die as
well? What did Marvin do with John’s body? What will happen now that the
competition is dead? So many questions and so much anger and hatred. This play
leaves you on the edge of you seat and you walk away with so many more
questions than answers.
“Marvin”, played
by De Angelo Justice, became Marvin. His body language and the passion in his
eyes made you want to get up and scream at him. You believed that he was indeed
his character. “John”, played by Mark Parker on April 2, 2016 was so
unbelievably AMAZING. When he reveal his character as a gay man my heart
skipped a beat. He claimed both roles beautifully.
The second stage
play was “Jackie & Clarisse (and the Fall to Grace)”, written and directed
by Deborah Vines. My heart cried and broke into millions of pieces. This play
was beautifully executed by Gustavo “Gus” Ferrari, “Jackie” and actress Rachel
Marcus, “Clarisse”.
an ex con on parole trying to get his life on the straight and narrow, meets
Clarisse over the phone when she calls. They never meet in person, working in
Miami and L.A., but form a strong friendship and you get a sense of pure love.
Clarisse is an abused woman and afraid to leave her marriage while Jackie
struggles to stay on the straight and narrow. The both try to convince each
other to remove themselves from their toxic situations. Eventually Jackie caves
in to the temptation of easy money and gets into a bad situation. Through all
the arguing and pleading, they remain stuck in their ways. Jackie is killed and
that is what convinces Clarisse to leave with her children.
This play pulls
at you heart. You hope that Clarisse leaves L.A and goes to Miami. You eagerly
wait for Jackie to reveal that he is in love with her. Your heart truly breaks.
My heart raced and I held back my tears throughout the entire performance.
The performers
had such beautiful energy and passion. Their souls ran free on stage and
trapped you in the midst of their lives. You cheered them on, felt their pain,
and celebrated in their joy of each other. You wanted it to end differently and
left wishing that they could have had the happy ended.
I will never
forget these performances. I will never forget these characters and the people
that gave them life. They poured their souls into them. It wasn’t just
“acting”. It was becoming. And, MAN did they become. I had to resist the urge
to go back the next day. Thank you for
giving me inspiration. Thank you for showing me passion and telling me a story
that I will never forget. I look forward to seeing this show again (I had to
force myself to stay home the next day). These actors and actress have passion
for their art and their ability to become the characters is something amazing
and mind blowing. If you see this you will leave a changed person.
A most special
mention to producer Julia Genoveva. Her passion showed and her talent, grace
and spirit ran through every aspect of these great works of art. She set her
mind to this and gave her all. Not only did she make it alive she exceeded
Deborah Vines
ripped my heart out, stuffed it with love and gave it back to me. Her skill and
mind flowed through me and allowed me to fell every emotion. The love, pain,
devotion and sadness of the characters. I wanted to get up and save them.
S.R. Anzalone…..
(deep breath) he wrote something so real. I stayed on the edge of my seat. My
thoughts ran wild. I couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with all I was
You can check out their FB page to stay up to date on upcoming performances here https://www.facebook.com/Love-Complexities-Jackie-Clarisse-and-Marvins-Fetish-944197499026701/?fref=ts
Let your imagination soar and your heart flow free. Thank you for your support and love!!!
Anonymous Raver!!!!
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